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24. dubna 2024 v 16:11
Spolek pro ochranu žen
Sdílím vyjádření od Ministerstva spravedlnosti. Nakonec to asi vydírání je. Kdybyste chtěli podat trestní oznámení, můžu vám přeposlat ten oficiální email. Protože ani docela dost schopní policajti v tom vydírání na první dobrou neviděli.

b) V souvisejících podáních popisujete jednání, kdy po sexuálních pracovnicích někdo něco „žádá“ s tím, že pokud tento požadavek nebude splněn, rozešle např. citlivé fotografie rodinným příslušníkům dotčené osoby, jinými slovy popisujete jednání, při kterých, za užití intimních materiálů, dochází k protiprávnímu působení na poškozené v tom smyslu, že jsou pohrůžkou takovéhoto jednání nuceny, aby něco konaly, opomenuly či strpěly.

Domníváme se, že o takovém jednání v obecné rovině správně hovoříte jako o vydírání, když alespoň z poskytnutých informací lze usuzovat na znaky skutkové podstaty trestného činu vydírání, neboť v popsaném případě někdo někoho nutí, aby něco konal, opomenul nebo strpěl, a to pohrůžkou něčím, co lze pokládat za „jinou těžkou újmu“ ve smyslu trestního zákoníku. Vzhledem k tomu, že zákon dále nerozvádí, k čemu má být poškozená osoba nucena, zůstává zde pouze k posouzení, zda lze rozeslání např. „nahých fotografií“ rodinným příslušníkům dané osoby považovat za jinou těžkou újmu.
Pohrůžka jiné těžké újmy může spočívat v hrozbě způsobení závažné majetkové újmy, vážné újmy na právech, na cti či dobré pověsti, může směřovat i k rozvratu manželství nebo rodinného života. V této souvislosti lze odkázat i na judikaturu uváděnou v komentářové literatuře, kdy v praxi bylo za jinou těžkou újmu považováno i např. vyhrožování pachatele poškozeným dívkám např. tím, že jejich erotické fotografie zveřejní v rozporu se smlouvou, na jejímž základě byly vytvořeny (tj. že je nechá otisknout v časopisech vycházejících v České republice či je předá rodičům poškozených), neboť takové vyhrožování lze považovat za významný zásah do jejich osobního a rodinného života, tedy za pohrůžku jino
24. dubna 2024 v 15:54
Ty časy kdy vždy nová holka vydelala raketu jsou zlato dávno pryč.tak si dal zij ve svém snu ale neblbni naivní holky že přijedou do země zapnout reklamu a budou jet bomby.tak už to dávno neplatí.a pokud ti dela radost z toho že holka ti uvěří a pak jen prodela tak jsi mentalne narušeny člověk.ted bez recenzi a stalaku jsi v hajzlu.
24. dubna 2024 v 15:49
Kámoška začínala v Belgii když byla nová každý po ní chtěl fotky jinak nepřijde. Teď má stále klienty a fotku už nechtějí ani nový protože má už "pověst ". Já když začínala ve Finsku tak to samé, nebt ochotná poslat fotku tak vydělám možná na náklady, ani to ne. Paříž jezdí možná, ale to je vše kde se bez znalosti Francouzštinu chytnete. Jinak nic.
24. dubna 2024 v 15:00
A to víš že jo ty brepto jako nová pojedeš pecky akorát v prd...Zeme jako Belgie,Skandinávie, Francie novým holkam nevěří takže jediný kdo tu lže jsi ty.A mimochodem já v Belgii žiju už dlouho takže vím jak to tu chodí.no nic aspoň jsem se pobavila jak holky jako ty jsou zakerny.a ohledně Paříže no fuj odporné černé město s kupou výlet ok ale na práci nikdy.a prý cmoudy neberu
24. dubna 2024 v 14:29
Málokdy tady s někým souhlasím, ale tentokrát to co se tu píše je pravda a potvrzuji. Nová holka ve Fin nevydělá. Po dlouhé době jsem jela na tour do Finska. Nová reklama, číslo, žádné review. Brali mě jako “novou holku”. Být ve Finsku nová je pěkně na nic. Opravdu málo zpráv a hovorů. Když někdo napsal tak nevěřil že jsem real. Nikdo si na mě ani nevzpomněl až na pár výjimek. To jsem bývala i docela oblíbená jeden čas když jsem měla recenze. Ale jako “novinka”? Haha sotva na náklady. Ozývali se čmoudi, cizinci, podivíni. Necítila jsem se bezpečně. Ceny katastrofa, horší než před 4 lety. Servis? No comment. Náklady nesmyslně vysoké. Na to jak to byl zlatý důl před x lety to šlo úplně do háje.
24. dubna 2024 v 14:06
Codeneos is one of the web development companies in Kerala, we do handle all types of development works Across Kerala. Our Services Include web-designing web designing, web development, branding, Mobile App development Mobile App development, social media marketing ,Search Engine Optimization, Software Services

With a wide range of services catered to the various needs of contemporary organizations, Codeneos is the best web design company Calicut. The finest web-designing web designing company in Kerala,Codeneos focuses on building visually stunning and highly functional websites that function as online storefronts for its customers. The organization is renowned as the best UI/UX Design company in Calicut because of its expert grasp of user experience (UX) principles. This further supports their capacity to ensure that every website has an eye-catching design, smooth navigation, and user-friendly functionality. Codeneos is the best Mobile App development Mobile App development company Kerala. It designs dynamic, flexible websites that fluidly adapt to various screen sizes and devices, utilizing the latest web-development Company In Kerala trends and technologies to optimize user engagement and retention.

The company, which is among the top web-development companies in Kerala, creates unique apps that improve customer interactions, expedite processes, and foster brand loyalty. In addition, Codeneos is acknowledged as the top SEO company in Calicut and the top digital marketing agency in Calicut. They provide customized approaches to optimize online presence, generate leads, and eventually raise conversion rates for their customers. Being the best branding company in Calicut, Codeneos assists companies in creating distinctive identities that appeal to their target markets and promote brand loyalty and awareness. Codeneos, the greatest virtual reality company Kerala and the top augmented reality Calicut, uses these immersive technologies to create
24. dubna 2024 v 14:05
Codeneos is one of the web development companies in Kerala, we do handle all types of development works Across Kerala. Our Services Include web-designing web designing, web development, branding, Mobile App development Mobile App development, social media marketing ,Search Engine Optimization, Software Services

With a wide range of services catered to the various needs of contemporary organizations, Codeneos is the best web design company Calicut. The finest web-designing web designing company in Kerala,Codeneos focuses on building visually stunning and highly functional websites that function as online storefronts for its customers. The organization is renowned as the best UI/UX Design company in Calicut because of its expert grasp of user experience (UX) principles. This further supports their capacity to ensure that every website has an eye-catching design, smooth navigation, and user-friendly functionality. Codeneos is the best Mobile App development Mobile App development company Kerala. It designs dynamic, flexible websites that fluidly adapt to various screen sizes and devices, utilizing the latest web-development Company In Kerala trends and technologies to optimize user engagement and retention.

The company, which is among the top web-development companies in Kerala, creates unique apps that improve customer interactions, expedite processes, and foster brand loyalty. In addition, Codeneos is acknowledged as the top SEO company in Calicut and the top digital marketing agency in Calicut. They provide customized approaches to optimize online presence, generate leads, and eventually raise conversion rates for their customers. Being the best branding company in Calicut, Codeneos assists companies in creating distinctive identities that appeal to their target markets and promote brand loyalty and awareness. Codeneos, the greatest virtual reality company Kerala and the top augmented reality Calicut, uses these immersive technologies to create
24. dubna 2024 v 14:04
Codeneos is one of the web development companies in Kerala, we do handle all types of development works Across Kerala. Our Services Include web-designing web designing, web development, branding, Mobile App development Mobile App development, social media marketing ,Search Engine Optimization, Software Services

With a wide range of services catered to the various needs of contemporary organizations, Codeneos is the best web design company Calicut. The finest web-designing web designing company in Kerala,Codeneos focuses on building visually stunning and highly functional websites that function as online storefronts for its customers. The organization is renowned as the best UI/UX Design company in Calicut because of its expert grasp of user experience (UX) principles. This further supports their capacity to ensure that every website has an eye-catching design, smooth navigation, and user-friendly functionality. Codeneos is the best Mobile App development Mobile App development company Kerala. It designs dynamic, flexible websites that fluidly adapt to various screen sizes and devices, utilizing the latest web-development Company In Kerala trends and technologies to optimize user engagement and retention.

The company, which is among the top web-development companies in Kerala, creates unique apps that improve customer interactions, expedite processes, and foster brand loyalty. In addition, Codeneos is acknowledged as the top SEO company in Calicut and the top digital marketing agency in Calicut. They provide customized approaches to optimize online presence, generate leads, and eventually raise conversion rates for their customers. Being the best branding company in Calicut, Codeneos assists companies in creating distinctive identities that appeal to their target markets and promote brand loyalty and awareness. Codeneos, the greatest virtual reality company Kerala and the top augmented reality Calicut, uses these immersive technologies to create
24. dubna 2024 v 14:01
Codeneos is one of the web development companies in Kerala, we do handle all types of development works Across Kerala. Our Services Include web-designing web designing, web development, branding, Mobile App development Mobile App development, social media marketing ,Search Engine Optimization, Software Services

With a wide range of services catered to the various needs of contemporary organizations, Codeneos is the best web design company Calicut. The finest web-designing web designing company in Kerala,Codeneos focuses on building visually stunning and highly functional websites that function as online storefronts for its customers. The organization is renowned as the best UI/UX Design company in Calicut because of its expert grasp of user experience (UX) principles. This further supports their capacity to ensure that every website has an eye-catching design, smooth navigation, and user-friendly functionality. Codeneos is the best Mobile App development Mobile App development company Kerala. It designs dynamic, flexible websites that fluidly adapt to various screen sizes and devices, utilizing the latest web-development Company In Kerala trends and technologies to optimize user engagement and retention.

The company, which is among the top web-development companies in Kerala, creates unique apps that improve customer interactions, expedite processes, and foster brand loyalty. In addition, Codeneos is acknowledged as the top SEO company in Calicut and the top digital marketing agency in Calicut. They provide customized approaches to optimize online presence, generate leads, and eventually raise conversion rates for their customers. Being the best branding company in Calicut, Codeneos assists companies in creating distinctive identities that appeal to their target markets and promote brand loyalty and awareness. Codeneos, the greatest virtual reality company Kerala and the top augmented reality Calicut, uses these immersive technologies to create
24. dubna 2024 v 14:01
12.06 belgie...francieee...
Ja jsem ted ,,new,, ve Finsku a jedu pecky. vsude kam pojedes jako ,,new,, vydelas. Ja bych holkam co psali ze musis mit stalaky.vubec neverila...boji se konkurence mam znamu co jezdi sama Paris, a neumi fr, a vydelava. ..nemusis jezdit ani Monaco. Belgie znam taky, nejezdim brusel, antwerpy, bruggy..jinak vsude to je ok.mas hodne apiku na bookingu. Klienti jsou ok.ja neberu cmoudi, owo delam za 50e extra.a chodi to. Belgie je super na vydelky.
24. dubna 2024 v 14:00
Codeneos is one of the web development companies in Kerala, we do handle all types of development works Across Kerala. Our Services Include web-designing web designing, web development, branding, Mobile App development Mobile App development, social media marketing ,Search Engine Optimization, Software Services

With a wide range of services catered to the various needs of contemporary organizations, Codeneos is the best web design company Calicut. The finest web-designing web designing company in Kerala,Codeneos focuses on building visually stunning and highly functional websites that function as online storefronts for its customers. The organization is renowned as the best UI/UX Design company in Calicut because of its expert grasp of user experience (UX) principles. This further supports their capacity to ensure that every website has an eye-catching design, smooth navigation, and user-friendly functionality. Codeneos is the best Mobile App development Mobile App development company Kerala. It designs dynamic, flexible websites that fluidly adapt to various screen sizes and devices, utilizing the latest web-development Company In Kerala trends and technologies to optimize user engagement and retention.

The company, which is among the top web-development companies in Kerala, creates unique apps that improve customer interactions, expedite processes, and foster brand loyalty. In addition, Codeneos is acknowledged as the top SEO company in Calicut and the top digital marketing agency in Calicut. They provide customized approaches to optimize online presence, generate leads, and eventually raise conversion rates for their customers. Being the best branding company in Calicut, Codeneos assists companies in creating distinctive identities that appeal to their target markets and promote brand loyalty and awareness. Codeneos, the greatest virtual reality company Kerala and the top augmented reality Calicut, uses these immersive technologies to create
24. dubna 2024 v 14:00
Codeneos is one of the web development companies in Kerala, we do handle all types of development works Across Kerala. Our Services Include web-designing web designing, web development, branding, Mobile App development Mobile App development, social media marketing ,Search Engine Optimization, Software Services

With a wide range of services catered to the various needs of contemporary organizations, Codeneos is the best web design company Calicut. The finest web-designing web designing company in Kerala,Codeneos focuses on building visually stunning and highly functional websites that function as online storefronts for its customers. The organization is renowned as the best UI/UX Design company in Calicut because of its expert grasp of user experience (UX) principles. This further supports their capacity to ensure that every website has an eye-catching design, smooth navigation, and user-friendly functionality. Codeneos is the best Mobile App development Mobile App development company Kerala. It designs dynamic, flexible websites that fluidly adapt to various screen sizes and devices, utilizing the latest web-development Company In Kerala trends and technologies to optimize user engagement and retention.

The company, which is among the top web-development companies in Kerala, creates unique apps that improve customer interactions, expedite processes, and foster brand loyalty. In addition, Codeneos is acknowledged as the top SEO company in Calicut and the top digital marketing agency in Calicut. They provide customized approaches to optimize online presence, generate leads, and eventually raise conversion rates for their customers. Being the best branding company in Calicut, Codeneos assists companies in creating distinctive identities that appeal to their target markets and promote brand loyalty and awareness. Codeneos, the greatest virtual reality company Kerala and the top augmented reality Calicut, uses these immersive technologies to create
24. dubna 2024 v 13:59
Codeneos is one of the web development companies in Kerala, we do handle all types of development works Across Kerala. Our Services Include web-designing web designing, web development, branding, Mobile App development Mobile App development, social media marketing ,Search Engine Optimization, Software Services

With a wide range of services catered to the various needs of contemporary organizations, Codeneos is the best web design company Calicut. The finest web-designing web designing company in Kerala,Codeneos focuses on building visually stunning and highly functional websites that function as online storefronts for its customers. The organization is renowned as the best UI/UX Design company in Calicut because of its expert grasp of user experience (UX) principles. This further supports their capacity to ensure that every website has an eye-catching design, smooth navigation, and user-friendly functionality. Codeneos is the best Mobile App development Mobile App development company Kerala. It designs dynamic, flexible websites that fluidly adapt to various screen sizes and devices, utilizing the latest web-development Company In Kerala trends and technologies to optimize user engagement and retention.

The company, which is among the top web-development companies in Kerala, creates unique apps that improve customer interactions, expedite processes, and foster brand loyalty. In addition, Codeneos is acknowledged as the top SEO company in Calicut and the top digital marketing agency in Calicut. They provide customized approaches to optimize online presence, generate leads, and eventually raise conversion rates for their customers. Being the best branding company in Calicut, Codeneos assists companies in creating distinctive identities that appeal to their target markets and promote brand loyalty and awareness. Codeneos, the greatest virtual reality company Kerala and the top augmented reality Calicut, uses these immersive technologies to create
24. dubna 2024 v 12:06
Líp bych to nenapsala. Speciálně Belgie je speciální podobně jako Finsko že pokud nemáš stalaky tak oni novým holkam nevěří.jako nová se líp vydělává v Holandsku anebo se znalostí francouzštiny v Monaku.
24. dubna 2024 v 11:17
Belgie se tu řešila 1-3 dny zpátky. Zkus použít mozek a přečíst si fórum. Jediné co tady max dostaneš bude info kam reklamu, apartmány že máš číst recenze, hledat bez kamer. Toť vše, možná ti tu občas některá napíše místo v dané zemi, ale probírá se to tu dnes a denně. A věř tomu že pokud ti to nezvoní tam kde jsi tak čekáš zázrak že jako novince ti to někde teď půjde?
24. dubna 2024 v 10:50
A nechceš rovnou aby tě nějaká vzala sebou a vše ti ukázala?holka musíš si to sama zkusit a možná ti to půjde možná ne každé to jde jinde.
24. dubna 2024 v 10:29
Belgie, Francie
Ty jo a nechtěla by jsi kompletní know how?jeď a uvidíš nebo čekáš zr ti napíšeme vše?taky jsme si museli vše tvrdě vymakat nikdo nám nedal komplet info. Jeď a uvidíš.
24. dubna 2024 v 10:26
Pokud ti co se týče Belgie nevadí cmoudi a owo, cim, anal atd tak je Brusel ok.a Francie je ok Riviera v případě že mluvíš francouzsky tak vydělas balík.jinak prodelas.
24. dubna 2024 v 10:13
Belgie francie
Holky jezdila jsem dlouho jenom norsko dansko, ted kdyz se nedaji menit koruny, chtela bych zkusit belg, nebo franc. Jezdite????? Jak to tam jde? Ceny jsou ok? Musim delat extra servis???? A co klienti ok?? Ubytovani je levne, je ok na praci??
24. dubna 2024 v 10:06
Finsko je v prdeli ,kdyz tam zacali jezdit rumunky, ktere maji v profilu ze jsou cz, nebo italky nebo spanelky. a delaj extra servis v hruza. S basic servisem si tam hezka holka nevydela.
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